Project 1 - Laser Cut Final

This project was a lot of fun to experience the process of. I learned a lot about how to do things the hard way and what I could do to make it easier on myself. Starting with transferring the design from my sketching software into a useable vector in rhino. I took the long way around and retraced it all using the polyline command until it was muscle memory, and going over it all with a fine tooth comb to make sure my lines all worked. It might not have been the best way to do it, but it made me appreciate the shortcuts when I learned them. It's also a great example of having a finished product that isn't how you envisioned it from the start but loving it more for the deviations. 

In the end, I love the way the burned edges and tonal shifts of the burned wood look and I feel like they work well with the subject matter. The frame I stand design I made was somewhat born of necessity as I had wasted a few sheets of  wood on failed attempts and couldn't afford another. But, being the 'mother of invention', it helped me to think of the simplest way I could create a stand with the pieces I had left over. While not being the most solid, I like how inobtrusive the final stand sits.

I don't know what I'm going to do with them but I also really like these little extras!


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