Project 2: Reverse Engineering - Object Selection

For my object I chose my Speedball Linoleum Cutter that I use when working with relief print making.

I like the simple materials used, and the contrast between the matte finish of the red plastic and the more polished steel of the metal bits.

It is a combination of fairly simple shapes but it breaks down nicely and comes back together as a singular packaged item.

Between the screw aspects and the grip textures I think it will be fun to explore how to create these different surfaces.

The chisel tips might be the hardest to figure out as they take on a thing organic shape with varying widths bent in on each-other.


This object means a lot to me as it was my introduction to printmaking in general, and is still one of my favourite means to create prints. While I'm currently exploring other printmaking techniques in my studies, the tedious and repetitive process of slowly carving an image out of a block is one that I find really meditative and reminds me a lot of the trance I can find myself in while trying to model something in Rhino.


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