WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT: 3D scan and 3D model an 'organic' object

 For this week I tried 3D scanning a squash I had at home to mixed success. There are parts, with the details I feel were really well scanned whereas the overall shape had some issues and fragment missing.

Despite it not being perfect I thought it was a very cool first attempt at using a cellphone 3D scanner. I've looked into them in the past when I was exploring 3D scenes and heard great things but never found one that worked for me. Going forward I might someday pay for the full product... or just wait until they get even better. 

When I started trying to design my own organic shape I decided I wanted to try and challenge myself, so I picked a boxing glove.

I started with my reference images being placed where I thought they would work.

Then I tried to create the basic shapes I saw.

Then I felt like it was actually harder than I was ready to attempt, so I decided to try and make the squash after all. 

Again starting with the basic shape and the reference images.

This time I found it much easier to mold it with the CageEdit.

I tried to get a good top-down view of the stem, but didn't have one on hand.
Due to my slow process, the squash has long since been eaten.

But I feel I was able to make a decent copy.

I tried a few textures to see how they worked but had a hard time testing them on my Mac. They would nearly crash my program each time, so I only tried a few that didn't work out very well. 

In the end my squash ended up being TOO smooth, but it was fun to try and make.


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